Jumat, 07 April 2017

Hello ! Let's get to know about me

Hello !!!
Today is the day i make my blog and i'm still learning to be a good blogger. Now, i'll introduce myself. I'm Theo Yudha Pranata and u can call me anything 😄 I'm from Cirebon, West Java, Indonesia but now i'm living in jakarta cause my job requires me to stay in jakarta. I'm just ordinary 'MAN' not ordinary 'BOY' 😁 I do love traveling to any place, i can play basketball, badminton, baseball, football, volleyball. I also love to swim and go to the gym 😁 I'm not good enough to speak in english so if my english is wrong please correct me, u can leave a comment to correct my english or anyhing that u want to do and i'll be very grateful for a correction, feedback and anything you write in the comment field 😄 Don't forget to follow me guys 😋

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